Sunday, October 25, 2009

boys boys boys


ehem2,guess who's back?do u miss me?hihi..hello my dearest friends..rily sori..quite bz recently so dats y im not able to update our blog..oke,arini aku nk ckp psl boys..aku xphm la dorg nih,pe sbnarnye yg dorg nk?they always put the blame on us eventhough its their come on la people..zman skrg da maju,da xptot ade gender inequality nih..lepas aku bce post white wolf,aku jd mkin bnci taw..aku xsuke cre org laki lyn pompn cm2..bile nk,lyn sket pnye bek,bile da xnk,maki ske2 ati,.adoiyai..bongok la..mmg unfair the end,kwn2 gak yg ade tok support kite kan..jd,kdg2 aku tpkir,mne yg lbih pnting?bf atau member?..xd bf xbes,xd tmpt nk bmanje..xd member pon xbes,xd tmpt nk mluahkn perasaan..pening2..due2 penting,but it depends on individual..for me,its better to appreciate both of it..

as for white wolf..
be strong,be strong now
kami selalu bersama anda..
lots of love from me..

let's go!