Saturday, October 31, 2009

asking for forgiveness?


u came and beg for our forgiveness.
but it doesnt mean dat we already forget what u had done to us.
absolutely not people!

sekarang bru ko nk mtk maap?
lepas ko bruk2kn name aku n kwn2 aku?
hello,mmg x la aku nk maafkn ko!

sbnarnye,org mcm ko nih
xlayak langsung nk ckp gan aku n kwn2 aku.
tp nseb bek la aku nih considerate.
u should thank me,huh

n skg aku dengar cte yg lbih hebat.
ko da jd pencuri,hahahahaaha
tkejut gak aku,
bkn pe,xsgke la yg ko nih multifunctional orgnye
mcm2 bakat ko ade ek
sebarkn fitnah,ejek2 org,pecah belahkn org
n skrg,curik brg org.
syabas beta!
mmg kena sgt la gan ko,hahahahaha

wat goes around comes around aite.
mmg pdn muke ko.
pndai2 la ko setle sume yg ko dah mulekn
aku,ttp gan kptusan aku
aku takkan,takkan maafkn ko!
is dat clear?
lelaki mcm ko nih mmg xlyk tok papepn.
u r good for NOTHING!

let's go!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

boys boys boys


ehem2,guess who's back?do u miss me?hihi..hello my dearest friends..rily sori..quite bz recently so dats y im not able to update our blog..oke,arini aku nk ckp psl boys..aku xphm la dorg nih,pe sbnarnye yg dorg nk?they always put the blame on us eventhough its their come on la people..zman skrg da maju,da xptot ade gender inequality nih..lepas aku bce post white wolf,aku jd mkin bnci taw..aku xsuke cre org laki lyn pompn cm2..bile nk,lyn sket pnye bek,bile da xnk,maki ske2 ati,.adoiyai..bongok la..mmg unfair the end,kwn2 gak yg ade tok support kite kan..jd,kdg2 aku tpkir,mne yg lbih pnting?bf atau member?..xd bf xbes,xd tmpt nk bmanje..xd member pon xbes,xd tmpt nk mluahkn perasaan..pening2..due2 penting,but it depends on individual..for me,its better to appreciate both of it..

as for white wolf..
be strong,be strong now
kami selalu bersama anda..
lots of love from me..

let's go!

banyak alasan

.white wolf.

sebab FB je ko nk jadikan alasan clash kn..ntah pape betul..
kalau mmg nak clash sgn aku ckp je la..senang je kot..
kalau dh ade pompuan lain,dh sayang pompuan lain,just bg tau..
x payah la nk buat aku cm nie..
ingat aku ni ape?pompuan simpanan ko ke..
bile ko ade gf lain,ade aku cakap ape2?
xde kan..siap aku yg kene sorok2..
padahal pompuan baru ko tu yg kene sorok2 dari aku..
tp x kan,kenape? sbb ko ckp kt diorg ape,ko single kn?
elok sgt la tuh..
hopefully la ko jumpe pompuan yg lagi bagus n baik dari aku..
mmg sume salah aku, sku suke buat masalah..
tp fikir balik k ape yg ko prnh wt kt aku gk..
btw,ko tau aku x kn tinggal ko kn..
sbb tu bile nk,ko kutip aku,bile x nak,ko buang je aku cm tu..
sape la ku ni dalam hidup ko kn..bile susah baru nk cari..
seronok betul..
what a life~

cinta, sayang BUAT MASE NI xde makne dh bagi aku..
ko teruskan hidup ko..
aku teruskan hidup aku..

-single is better-

Saturday, October 24, 2009

oh blog!


haih! mn korang nih? awat senyap sunyi sepi jew blog nih??
huhu..oOo..xde cite yg hawt2 kew?
huhu..ala..xde cite hawt pun update la sket..
cmne nk jd hawt nih?

okie2..maw coret-coret sket lar..kayh?

meaning of life..
as we go on..we remember,all the times we spent together..

know diz words? almost make me cry when i heard diz song..
keep remind me dat i'll be leaving all fwen soon..
it's like too soon, i feel like i dun spent enough time wif u guys,
but, whatever it is, i wish all the best for all of u!
the first time we meet, everyone look so damn innocent!
haha..xbleyh blah tol..
but,as days past, br ar kite taw perangai masing-masing yg gler ni sume!
we have fwens everywhere we go, but dat's doesn't mean dat they are all the same ryte?
knowing u guys sure is one of the best things that ever happen to me..

fwens like diz are hard to find..they really back each other up!

but this one? really need to think it over okayh?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



agk khairanan dcni ya..
tp tdk mgapa kerna ak sdikit pun tdk sedih mhupun kcewa diatas pe yg kau lakukan yea p0mpuan...

kte meng delete kn spe2 yg kte xsKe 0r wat jhat kt kte yekkk
xkra la kt fb ke or kt fs,ms,hi5,tagged or whs0eva dude...

God Bless~

Monday, October 19, 2009

bodo pnye pmpn!


bodow pnye pmpn!
slama ni pndai ko belit2 cite eh??
br aku taw skg,,
ko igt ko xcantek sgt ke??
dh la dressing cm kampung2..
ko wt sumthin blakg fmili ko,,
ko igt baik sgt ke??
ko igt aku xtaw ape yg ko buat??
dh ler suke mniru dress up org,,
sdr la diri sket,,
ko 2 yg mniru org sbnrnye,,
kalo cntik xpe la gk,,
ni cm longkang!
dh pndai plak nk psg spare part skg,,
kalo aku nk kenakan ko,,
byk sgt pluang yg aku ade,,
jz aku ni xbusuk hati cm ko!!
ntah bpe rmai lelaki dh jd mngsa ko,kn??
igt aku xtaw ape yg ko buat?
bodoh la ko ni,,

nk pinjam


amboi2 ko,.
xmalu eh??
dtg2 cnie nk pnjam baju,
ko ngat blik aku nih butik ke?
gile punye budak..
mmg la ko xkai bj aku,
tp mbe bek aku pnye bj kot..
pgl bodo,mara lak..
aku xphm la,ko xd bj ke?
xmalu ea mlawa pnjam bju org,.
eh,bragak la weh
sengal la ko nih..
aku tgu mse je nk bsuare..
bodo la..

Sunday, October 18, 2009



kadang2 aku rase hidop aku ni hny tuk buang mse smate2..
kenapa bahagia tuk aku rse sekejap sgt?
kenape ar?
syg slh...xsyg pun slh..
setia, dikate nye curang la. cm pmpn sundal la..
bodoh sial...hurmm..
lantak kau lah lelaki..kau buat lah pe yg kau suke,
and kau tgk dan tgu jelah sampai bile aku bleh tahan ngn kau..oke?

aku br je jap td delete gmba2 "kwn2" aku..
b4 aku delete,aku usya wat kali terakhir..
sedeh gak ar tgk..kngn kot tu sume.
tp nk buat camne,realiti yg skg aku hadapi sgt menyakitkn kot.
haih.,..apelah yg aku tension kn sgt ni ar?
tu relationship ngn membe2..
pd kalekali,pakupakis,whitewolf,olaoli.
thanks weyh,teman aku sejak2 aku di landa prob ngn membe2 aku.
aku sgt2 hargai korang..walaupun aku mmg amat2 hargai kwn2 aku..
tp kali ni lain,
sejak perkara yg berlaku kt aku akhir2 ni, membuat aku rs tkt tuk berkawan.
and tuk beberape hari ni aku cube xstay ngn korang k?
aku rse dh ssh kn korang la..n wat korang sket xslese..hehe..
tp kalau aku xdpt nk stay tmpat aku gak.
aku harap korang trime aku yea?hehehe


whatever u like..


member aku br jew td bce kt mjalah remaje yg ade org ckp
ramai org wat blog nih tuk luahkan rse xpuas ati dorang kt org yg dorang..
xpuas ati la kn?
tulis m mcm2 tnpa memikir kn perasaan org lain.
n alasan "hny memberi pndangan" sudah lg tidak diterime.
aku nk bgtawu kt org yg ckp tu ar..
nsb baik la dorang gune kn blog tuk lpas kn geram,
kalau dorang gune care keganasan nt cmner?
isk2...ape lah..ntah la,suke ati dorang ar nk watpe pun ngn blog dorang..kecoh tol..

oleh sbb mood agak spoil.
aku ngn membe2 aku pn decide nk tgk mvie "kuning"
bukak lah website yg ade..
tgu punye tgu..connection plak low giler babeng..
tp still dpt gak ar tgk beberape adegan yg sempat..huhu..
br aku tawu..mcm2 ekspresi muke ade..
adoie..mcm2 lar...
dh lar...last post for tonight! see yar later..




which 1 is da m0st imp0rtant?
of coz la friendship rite..
s0, ble da lme knal n kwn ngn sese0rg tue,
mesti la shared sdikit sbyk probs kte kn?
dh nme pun best friend...

tmbul lak an0ther prob,
diz thg leh jd ble mjadi best friend kpd mnusia yg blainan jntina ngn kte...
dh slalu sgt cntct,
dye lak realized yg sbenarnye dye in love ngn best friend dye tuE...

mmg x pnah expect bnda ni nk jd kn but ble dh jd mula r nk gelabah2 biawak lak...

ann0ying ritE??

Real Life

.White Wolf.

Nak cari kawan yg susah senang same2 mmg susah.
Tp nak cari kawan yg makan kawan mmg banyak.
Bersepah gile kot.
Tak terkire plak ramainye tuh.
[dedicate to 2 org budak rentung]

Nak cari boyfriend plak mmg susah.
Bile dh jumpe yg rase mcm dh terbaik n okey2,
Macam2 hal plak jadinye.
Main kayu 3 la, ape la.
[dedicate to sape2 yg terase]

Btw, hidup mesti diteruskan..
Enjoy la dengan ape yg ade skrg nie..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

cerite pd hari ini


huh..first time nk menulis nih..hehe..
banyak bende sebenarnye aku nak tulis.
tapi tak baik la tamak2 ni kan?
kite tulis sket2 dulu lar yea?
ni mula2 aku nak cite sal, bebudak yg pnah aku kate kn "best fren"
tittle tu aku bg kt dak2 nih sbbnye aku suke sgt hang out ngn dorang.
aku suke bende2 yang bodo,buang mase, giler, xberfaedah.
dan dorang ade kualiti2 tu sume,maklumlah..baru nak mengenali dunia yg kita panggil "remaja".
so, berbalik pada main point die.
we used to be like real close..but because of my own mistake. i hv to pay big for dat..
i think dat,even at this point, i still can't manage to pay it, y??
because dat GOOD person haven't forgive me's okayh...i take it..
fyi,,dorang ni jenis good2 aw..mmg orang kate,kalau tengok boleh buat stok bini ar..
tapi satu je yg aku xpaham stok bini,stok good2 ni sume nih, pehal nk punish aku smpai cmni ekh?
xpaham DOWH!
but then again..i still admit that is my mistake and i've ask for apology and still nothing change..
about what happen now??i dun giv a damn about it anymore...puppye...


credit to us!


haha. .
snok gile coz akhirnye ktorg ade gak official blog. .
taniah kpd anda yg memberi inspirasi..;)
well,kpd ahli2 blog,dharap anda sume rajen2 la update. .
n ingat,tjuan sebenar blog nih adalah untuk
meluahkan perasaan
itu sahaja. .

let's go,yeah!

It's here!


it's finally here..
nOw we hv a place tO express oUr anger,hunger towards sumOne!
it's gOing tO be big u guys..
watch Out!
keep On writing thOse 'annoying' things that keep annoyed yOu..oke?
